Sunday, August 8, 2010

Look at THIS guy.

Hey kidz-

Just a quick note, a follow-up to the little rant I went on last time about Prop 8 and all the people who are out there worrying about everyone else's behavior, while completely disregarding the messes that are their own lives. One of the worst (if not THE worst), most ri-donk-ulously hateful, ignorant and hypocritical "churches" (or organizations? or Klans?) is the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS. This church's congregation, and their #1 Head Asshole-in-Charge Fred Phelps are responsible for the entire movement. No link, but feel free to go there if you wanna be upset/have a laugh at extraordinarily stupid people.

Anyhoo, one of their cronies (read: assholes), decided to camp out down in Key West with a buncha very clever signage to protest the absolute abomination that they believe is homosexuality. Well, one kid decided not to just let it go, went and made one of the most awesome signs ever (black & white, minimalist, genius) and set up his own camp right next to him. The picture has now gone viral, just as awesome, cute, funny (i know this vid contains the word "faggot", but it's a satire of stupid people saying stupid things, so, y'know...), horrible things on the internet are wont to do. Bathe in the glory:

Well played, sir..... Well played.

I'll theoretically be back on Tuesday with another Cover-Tastic Tuesday post, with new music and analysis. Which means, see ya on Wednesday nite and/or Thursday mornin'!

'Til next time!


1 comment:

  1. Good rant, Markus .... kinda reminds me of this ...

    Right wing (read: tea party) opposing pretty much ANY Mosque trying to be built pretty much ANYWHERE in the US .... don't gt me wrong, I understand how people must feel - especially about the one being built near ground zero - but it's the US, freedom of religon is what we are built on, hell, it's why we came across the sea in the first place ... and if we oppose Islam then we are playing right into the hands of the radicals who already hate us for everything and now we are giving them yet another thin to hate us for AND for us to look ignorant.... holla!
